“Skills vs. AI: “Are You Keeping Up? The Top Skills Employers Want in 2023 and Beyond”

"Skills vs. AI: "Are You Keeping Up? The Top Skills Employers Want in 2023 and Beyond"

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the rapidly changing job market?

Recent LinkedIn data shows that job skill sets have changed by around 25% since 2015 and are expected to change by 41% by 2025. 

You’re not alone. In today’s digital age, the skills employers are looking for are shifting rapidly, and it can be tough to know what you need to do to stay competitive.

Let’s look at Emily, she had just graduated from high school and was eagerly searching for a job.

She had always been interested in technology and was excited to explore her options in the field. However, as she began her job search, she quickly realized that today’s job market was changing faster than she had expected.

Emily had heard about something called large language models, or LLMs, which were revolutionizing the field of natural language processing.

These powerful tools, like GPTs, were able to understand and analyze human language in ways that had never been possible before. Emily was intrigued by the possibilities, but also worried about the impact these technologies might have on the job market.

To learn more, Emily dove into the research on the potential labor market impacts of LLMs. She discovered a paper by the University of Pennsylvania that shed light on the issue. The paper explained that while LLMs like GPTs had impressive capabilities, they also had the potential to automate certain tasks and jobs that had previously required human labor.

She was concerned about what this might mean for her career prospects. However, as she continued to read, and she learned about the top key skills that job seekers could develop to bridge the gap and stay competitive in the changing job market.

One of the most important skills was digital literacy. Emily realized that she needed to not only be proficient in basic computer skills, but also to develop more advanced skills like coding and data analysis. She signed up for online courses and began practicing coding on her own.

Emily also focused on developing her critical thinking skills. She realized that employers were looking for candidates who could think critically and solve complex problems, and she began practicing critical thinking exercises and challenging herself to think outside the box.

In addition, she worked on improving her communication skills. She practiced writing and speaking clearly and effectively, and focused on listening actively and empathizing with others.

Emily was determined to stay adaptable and open to new challenges. She embraced change and committed to lifelong learning, staying up-to-date with industry trends and investing in ongoing education and training.

In the end, she landed a job in the tech industry that she loved. She knew that the job market would continue to evolve, but felt confident that she had the skills and mindset to stay competitive and thrive.

The lesson we learn here is that while technology like LLMs can be powerful tools, they require YOU a human being to develop the skills and knowledge needed to harness their full potential.

So don’t give up and gear up wear your learning hat, get coaching and training by focusing on the below.



1. Strong understanding of digital literacy to stand out from the crowd.

Digital marketing was an essential skill set in today’s job market, so take online courses to develop your skills in search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing. Investing in digital literacy will help you land a job at a marketing agency that specializes in Digital Marketing.

This means being proficient in basic computer skills as well as more advanced skills like coding and data analysis. For instance, you can learn how to code online through websites like Coursera, Codecademy or Udemy.

2. Another critical skill that you need to develop is critical thinking.

For example, if you have a background in finance but are interested in transitioning to a career in technology.

To make the shift, you need to develop your critical thinking skills. Take online courses and complete coding boot camps to develop your problem-solving abilities. Your hard work will pay off when you land a job as a business analyst for a tech startup.

3. Effective communication is key hiring criteria

Effective communication is crucial in almost every job, so it’s important to develop strong written and verbal communication skills. You can do this by practicing writing and speaking regularly, seeking feedback, and learning how to listen actively. For instance, you could join a public speaking club or take a writing course.

To stand out in a competitive field, develop your communication skills by taking public speaking courses and joining a Toastmasters group. Your efforts will pay off you land a job as a content editor for a publishing company.

4. Adaptability is another crucial skill

Adaptability is key in today’s rapidly changing job market. You need to be willing to learn new skills, embrace change, and be open to feedback. This can involve taking on new projects or learning new software programs.

For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity. You must know that the field was constantly changing, so commit to lifelong learning. Stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends by attending conferences, taking online courses, and networking with industry professionals. Your ability to adapt and learn new skills will pay off when you land a job as a cybersecurity analyst for a major financial institution.

5. Creative thinking and problem-solving are becoming increasingly important in the age of automation and artificial intelligence.

Job seekers who can think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions will be in high demand. You can develop this skill by taking up a creative hobby like writing or painting, or by brainstorming with colleagues.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in graphic design. To stand out in a crowded field, develop your creativity by taking art classes and participating in design competitions. Your innovative portfolio will catch the attention of a design agency, and help you land a job as a Graphic Designer.

6. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

Job seekers with strong emotional intelligence are often better able to work in teams, handle conflict, and communicate effectively. To develop this skill, you can read books on emotional intelligence, take a course, or practice mindfulness.

To develop his emotional intelligence, take courses in leadership and communication. Volunteer as a mentor to develop your interpersonal skills. Your commitment to emotional intelligence would have paid off when you land a job as a project manager for a major engineering firm.

7. Continuous learning is crucial

This means staying up-to-date with industry trends, investing in ongoing education and training, and seeking out new opportunities for growth. You can do this by attending conferences, taking courses, or networking with industry professionals. Remember, the job market is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay adaptable and keep learning.

For example, if you have a degree in biology but was interested in pursuing a career in Data Science. To make the shift, commit himself to ongoing education and training. Take online courses in Data Analysis and Statistical Programming and opt for an internship in a data science firm. This will help you land a job as a data scientist for a major healthcare company.

In conclusion, the job market is constantly changing, and you as a job seeker or career professional need to develop a diverse set of skills to succeed.

By focusing on digital literacy, critical thinking, communication, adaptability, creativity, emotional intelligence, and continuous learning,

You can stand out from the crowd and achieve your career goals.

Top spots for upgrading your skills

  1. Udacity
  2. Coursera
  3. Edx
  4. Future Learn

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