Visualize Your Dream Career Freedom & Life! 

"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it." - John Irving.

Success is the progressive realization of a  worthy ideal says Earl Nightingale.

Many people associate success with  materialistic things, but success to me, is  truly achieved when you live life doing  what you love.

What do you love? Affirmations help you clarify and define them clearly. It’s a  self-instruction manual of what you truly  want to achieve in life.

Before you start with the below  affirmations guide, I would like you to  read this article click here

Manifestation happens when you trust and believe in yourself

Fatima Williams

Thoughts become actions or stay as dreams. It requires proactive steps toward whatever it is  you need or want in life. It does not happen overnight. It takes 365 days to make a year.

Imagine your heart was only committed to beating 99.9% of the time. That would mean it  would fail 32,000 times a year!

A life with Intentionality will fill you with abundance and happiness.

You are going to become someone.

That you are certain about.

The question is: Who are you going to be?

And how specific and intentional will you be in that creation process of your Future Dream Self?

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by  failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because  they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt

You can sow the seeds of anything you want if you put your heart and soul to take the action  steps needed to achieve that satisfaction in life.

Make the decision to change who you are and what you do now.

Not tomorrow.


Do affirmations work?

Affirmations are great to kick-start your day. There is a scientific reason why. Our brains have  a Reticular Activating System (RAS). Its function is to fill our awareness with things that we  think about.

Review your affirmations one to three times a day. The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

Our senses take in 11 million pieces of data in each moment, but we can only consciously  process up to 40 pieces per second. The part of your brain working as a filter to manage sense  perception is called the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that  project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior patterns.

The Reticular Activating System is responsible for our wakefulness, our ability to focus, our  fight-flight response, and how we ultimately perceive the world. It can control what we  perceive in our consciousness, essentially a gatekeeper of information. The RAS acts as this  gatekeeper so that we can focus our attention on specific things and remember… these specific  things can help us meet the goals that we’ve set for ourselves.

The RAS allows you to focus. It functions like an executive assistant, a kind of censor of  what’s not important. It screens out the junk.

The RAS determines what information gets through to you.

What you Value, or what you think is a Threat.

References: (Handbook of Self and Identity, 2022), (The Reason You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations, 2022)

Review your affirmations one to three times a day. The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime.

If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

To be truly effective with your affirmations, please construct them using the following guidelines says one of my favorite mentors & Coach Jack Canfield.

Here’s few tips on how to  visualize what you want and achieve them by following the simple rules below:

Start with the words I am. 

The words I am are the two most powerful words in the language.

The subconscious takes any  sentence that starts with the words I am and interprets it as a command – a directive to make it  happen.

Use the present tense. 

Describe what you want as though you already have it, as though it’s already  accomplished.

Wrong: I am going to get a new red BMW.

Right: I am enjoying driving my new red BMW 5 series.

State it in the positive. Affirm what you want, not what you don’t want.  State your affirmations in the positive. 

Our unconscious does not hear the words no, or not. This means that the statement “Don’t slam  the door” is heard as “Slam the door.” The unconscious thinks in pictures, and the words “Don’t  slam the door” evoke a picture of slamming the door.

Wrong: I am no longer afraid of swimming.

Right: I am enjoying the thrill of swimming.

Keep it brief. 

Think of your affirmation as an advertising jingle. Act as if each word costs $1,000.  It needs to be short enough and memorable enough to be easily remembered. Make it specific. 

Vague affirmations produce vague results.

Review your affirmations one to three times a day.

The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

References: (Handbook of Self and Identity, 2022), (The Reason You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations, 2022)

Wrong: I am driving my new red sports car.

Right: I am driving my new red BMW 5 Series.

Include an action word ending with -ing. 

The active verb adds power to the effect by evoking an image of doing it right now. Wrong: I communicate openly and genuinely.

Right: I am confidently expressing myself openly and honestly.

Include at least one emotion goal or feeling word. 

Include the emotional state you would be feeling if you had already achieved the 

goal. Some commonly used words are appreciating, happily, enthusiastically, celebrating,  proudly, calmly, peacefully, delighted, enthusiastic, lovingly, secure, serenely, and  triumphant.

Wrong: I am maintaining my perfect body weight of 128 pounds.

Right: I am feeling agile and great at 128!

Make affirmations for yourself, not others. 

When you are constructing your affirmations, make them describe your behavior, not  the behavior of others.

Wrong: I am watching Tina clean up his room.

Right: I am effectively communicating my needs and desires to Tina. Add or something better.

Review your affirmations one to three times a day.

The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud.

Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

When you are affirming getting a specific situation (job, opportunity, vacation), material object  (house, car, boat), or relationship (husband, wife, child), always add the words “or something  (someone) better.” Sometimes our criteria for what we want comes from our ego or from our  limited experience. Sometimes there is someone or something better that is available for us, so  let your affirmations include this phrase when it is appropriate.

Sample Affirmations

  • I am changing my thoughts, images, and behaviors to produce better outcomes. I am acting in alignment with my true-life purpose, and all my actions are automatically serving others.
  • In my life’s marvelous journey, I know where I am and where I want to be. I am expecting the best, and I always get what I expect.
  • I confidently believe in myself even if no one else does.
  • I am always a winner!
  • I am accepting fear as natural and boldly taking the necessary steps forward to achieve my dreams.
  • I am confidently and courageously confronting my fears and moving forward on my life’s journey.
  • I am comfortably asking for guidance and advice from those who know what I need to know.
  • I am constantly aware that my world today is full of abundance and opportunity. I am calmly expanding my comfort zone to include everything I want to be, do and have.
  • I am activating the creative powers of my subconscious mind by visualizing every day.
  • I am joyfully living the lifestyle I want and deserve.
  • All things are becoming clearer and easier for me as I take action.
  • I am clear and specific when I am asking and I often end up getting exactly what I want.
  • I am now doing whatever it takes to eventually achieve success on my own terms. I am confidently and comfortably asking for whatever I want.
  • I now have realized that rejection is a myth and does not really exist except in my mind.
  • I am now doing whatever it takes to eventually achieve success on my own terms. I am confidently and comfortably asking for whatever I want.
  • I now have realized that rejection is a myth and does not really exist except in my mind.

Review your affirmations one to three times a day. The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

  • I have now begun to take daily action and I am now receiving valuable feedback about the projects I am pursuing.
  • I am increasing my income by generating extra money from revenue that is being overlooked in my existing resources.
  • I am highly enthusiastic as I keep score of all my exciting progress, positive behavior, financial gain and anything that I want more of.
  • I practice persistence, as I believe ‘never giving up’ is the single most common quality of high achievers.
  • Every day I look at my breakthrough goal and then I do five specific things that move me towards the completion of my goal.
  • I am always looking for opportunities where I can put in a little extra effort and provide just a little more service as this makes me feel very satisfied and truly successful.
  • I listen to new ideas shared by positive thinking people and implement them with full confidence and optimism.
  • I proudly reward myself whenever I succeed and thus attract more and more success in my life.
  • I am now in the habit of visualizing the events of my ideal day the night before.
  • I am continually clearing out the old to make the necessary space for the new things I want in my life.
  • I feel totally light, relaxed, and happy as I complete the past and fully embrace the present.
  • Every interview brings me closer to my next job
  • My current job is a steppingstone to my dream Career Goals
  • I am bold enough to negotiate a high salary. I am worth a high salary. I attract new opportunities constantly.
  • I am worthy of financial freedom and stability.
  • This is MY day. My time to grow, excel, laugh, love, win, believe, persevere and serve; knowing that I am truly the leader of my fate, the owner of my results and the hero of my destiny
  • I am strong and brave, not timid or weak.
  • My past will no longer limit my future and just because I couldn’t achieve something yesterday doesn’t mean I won’t do it this day.
  • I’ll honor my talents, express my gifts and reveal my creativity to everyone around me.
  • I’ll be loyal to my values, respectful to my mission and fiercely focused on my dreams.

Review your affirmations one to three times a day. The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

References: (Handbook of Self and Identity, 2022), (The Reason You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations, 2022)

  • I am a maker versus a consumer, a giver versus a taker and a visionary versus a victim.
  • I have the drive and ambition to achieve my goals.
  • I am on the right career path
  • I allow myself to grow and learn.
  • I am a great user of my time and talents.
  • I am confident in my abilities to reach the pinnacle of my profession. Every interaction is an opportunity for me to learn and improve
  • I am confident and courageous
  • People find me interesting and well-spoken
  • Every interaction brings me closer to my next job
  • My current job/education is a steppingstone to my dream Career Goals I am bold enough to negotiate a high salary. I am worth a high salary. My job brings me joy, happiness and satisfaction
  • I am capable of achieving satisfactory work-life balance
  • I take constructive criticism and improve my performance daily
  • I bring positivity to work every day
  • I am solution oriented
  • I easily learn anything that I don’t know how to do
  • The work that I am doing is highly appreciated
  • I am ready to take my career to the next level
  • I am on the path to a career that brings me joy and meaning
  • I am prosperous despite the economy

Fill-In-The-Blank Affirmations 

Simply fill in the blanks on these templates to create your own custom affirmations. 

  1. I earn_________ (Dream Career Income Goal) AED/USD by _____ (which Month year)_by providing ____________ (services/super power) to ______________________(targetcompany/customers)____________________ using the skills ____, ___ and,__________ (top 3 career skillsets)


  1. I am enjoying living in __________________ at __________________ , or somewhere better. 3. I am celebrating feeling __________________ at my perfect body weight of __________________. 4. I am attracting more __________________ into my life. 
  2. I am effectively communicating my needs and desires to __________________. 6. I am lovingly supporting __________________ and helping him/her/them to __________________.

Review your affirmations one to three times a day. The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

References: (Handbook of Self and Identity, 2022), (The Reason You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations, 2022)

  1. I am looking around me at __________________ and I am thrilled to know that I have made adifference in their life.
  2. I am now earning $__________________ from __________________.
  3. I am confidently checking the balance of my bank account as I make a deposit of$__________________.
  4. I am facing my fear of __________________ and enjoying __________________. 11. I am enjoying driving my new __________________ , or something better.

The mind is very powerful, and what you tell yourself daily has the power to lift you up or bring  you down.

This is an incredible secret power you have – To trust and believe in yourself and work towards  living your life to the fullest potential you have.

Below are few steps to manifest anything you want;

  • Create a vision board
  • Journal – Write your intention down on paper.
  • Speak your intentions out loud
  • Make space every day for it – Meditate
  • Take Systematic actions that can be measured – daily, weekly and monthly goals with checklists
  • Visualize your results even before it happens and it will start happening – (You can begin right now to act as if you have already achieved any goal you desire, and that outer experience of acting as if will create the inner experience)
  • Celebrate small wins

Don’t wait to be on your death bed to give yourself the permission to do the things, you truly  know, you are capable of: If you need help reach out to a mentor or a coach or a non  judgmental friend who will support you even through failures.

Genuine Change requires hard work and self-understanding of your thoughts and actions that  drive certain productive positive behaviors!

Manifesting takes time, patience and commitment, it does not happen overnight. Nevertheless  it is so worth it when your dreams become reality. This means staying positive and prioritizing  self-care and make huge changes and difference mentally and physically will be your trueself  living life to the fullest..

Review your affirmations one to three times a day. The best times are first thing in the morning, in the middle of  the day, and around bedtime. If appropriate, read each affirmation out loud. Repeat your affirmations every  morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking… woven into the very  fabric of your being.

References: (JackCanfiled Affirmations Guide, Handbook of Self and Identity, 2022), (The Reason You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations, 2022)

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